Thought For The Day

Fish and Babies

California has a serious problem. So many fish, so little water. Salmon is big business and if the big ones can’t get up the river, the little ones won’t be hatched, and even if there were lots of little ones, there isn’t enough water to swim down the river (plus there are so many predators, the water is to hot, and they might get lost) to the ocean to begin the cycle all over again.

So – The Fish Folks (read: The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service) are going to intervene. They will take “millions” of the little fish in trucks from hatcheries to the ocean thereby saving the salmon (The Sacramento Bee), allowing them to grow into big fish so that they can be harvested and served to hungry salmon aficionados.  Some will survive to swim up the river again if  the drought ends, the conditions are right (the water is not too hot), and there aren’t too many predators.

My concern is why the State of California (and all other States as well) isn’t concerned about all those human babies who are finding it difficult to survive in an environment where so many people think life is cheap and worthless. Life seems to be too “hot” for them, there are so many predators, and for untold millions there is often no opportunity to reach the World outside the womb where the cycle of life can be repeated

But then, silly me, I think babies are more important than salmon!

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