Thought For The Day


The Preacher talked about famine this morning. Famine is a real problem around the World if one is talking about food. There are far too many people who are hungry, and thank God the United States is still the most generous Nation on Earth when it comes to helping feed the World. If so much of the supply meant to end famine was not stolen. . .should I say misappropriated. . .we might be making a dent in the problem.

But he did not talk about a shortage of food. Rather, he spoke about a shortage of people willing to “hear the Word of God.” His text from Amos (The Bible) 8:11-12 is clear. In these United States of America,  in 2016, there is no lack of deafness in regard to hearing the Truth.

Hear this! The days are coming —this is the declaration of the Lord God —
when I will send a famine through the land: not a famine of bread or a thirst for water,
but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger from sea to sea and roam from north to east, seeking the word of the Lord, but they will not find it.

If I didn’t know better, I might believe he (the Preacher) has been reading Lloveletters.

In “A Changing America,” “Follow The Money,” and “Identify,” for example, I wrote about our propensity as a Nation to ignore our history, our intellectual certainty, and our collective conscience, and in pursuit of some foolishness regarding tolerance, fairness, equality, and civil rights, refused to hear the TRUTH. Sometimes it is hard to find the Truth clearly and accurately proclaimed, but more often than not, even when it is spoken with the power of God’s Spirit through a gifted individual, we close our ears, our minds, and our hearts.

How long will it be before “people” will no longer be able to find the Truth?

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