Thought For The Day

Favorite Phrase

One of the phrases I read fairly often, especially these days, in relationship to the operation of our Government is this – “The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the individual was not authorized to speak publicly.”

Who is this guy, and why are so many people talking to him? Of course it may be a “her,” but I didn’t want to just make that assumption based on the fact. . .well, never mind.

My real question is, who is authorized to speak publicly? Most of the people I hear speaking for the Government, authorized or not, shouldn’t be. The problem may not be the speaker, but the message. It appears that most of the Government types are either afraid to think before speaking or unaccustomed to doing so. “Government speak” appears to me to be a compounding of the phenomenon of doublespeak at best and ecstatic speech (glossolalia – my mind does not understand what I am saying) at worst.

The reality is there are people out there who want you to be confused. They are people who are asking you to “invest in America,” which means your taxes are going up. “Tightening security” means the TSA is going to start checking your underwear when you want to visit grandma out in California. And you better understand that “expanding health care” means if you are using Medicare as your primary insurance when you are sick or hurt, plan to remain sick or hurt.

There is one area where you are authorized to speak. When you are part of the family of God feel free to speak as much as you like about His infinite llove, His total sufficiency, and the peace and joy that fill the life of an obedient believer. Tell everyone that “to know the Truth will set you free.”

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