Thought For The Day


I recently visited the home of a hoarder, and it was mine. My bride and I viewed a TV program that deals with confirmed hoarders, trying to get them the psychological help they need to end the addiction to. . .stuff. I have to admit that mine is nowhere close to those I have seen on TV, but there is that faint feeling deep in my inner psyche that says I am moving in the wrong direction.

It got me to wondering if part, maybe most, of us have too much stuff in our minds, hearts, soul, psyche, and we need to do some offloading. Rather than filling our minds, heart, souls, etc., with the stuff of this World, we need to clear out most of what is little more than waste there, and begin to fill our innermost being with the incredible gifts that come from God’s Spirit resident within us. For example, we can trade out that vicious gossip we heard last week for the joyful Truth that God forgives all confessed sin immediately and permanently (see 1 John 1:9) That will “take a load off.”

Some folks have a tendency to hoard anger, bitterness, uncertainty, or ignorance (not knowing), etc., while there is available to the trusting Believer, forgiveness, peace, joy, confidence, and everlasting comfort from the constant struggles the Enemy brings in an attempt to destroy our involvement in the journey toward Spiritual maturity.

Just like in the home of a hoarder, there is in us some trash, some broken things, some useless articles about which we are clueless as to their origin, and often, a huge pile of disobedience to God’s design for our life. We stumble over them, they prohibit our ability to move about, and often stink to high Heaven. It’s time to stop holding on to such things. It’s time to move forward.

Try these words, or similar words (in the sincerity of your heart): “Father I agree with you that there is a mess in my life, and I want to leave it all behind. Create in me a new spirit of joy and happiness as I commit myself to abandon those things that destroy, and embrace those that bring genuine life in Christ to fullness in me.”

A clean heart hoards the “things” of God, and leaves behind the “things” of the Enemy,

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