Thought For The Day

Holy Week

Many folks will call this “Holy Week.” That is fine, I guess. It is possible that it was around this time of year that our Lord made His entry into Jerusalem, shared the Last Supper with His friends, endured several trials, and ultimately gave His life on Calvary to pay the sin debt of the World.

What would make more sense, and be a better use of time and energy would be to declare this week, and every week of every year, “Holy Living Week.” I can help but be amused by the folks who “give up” some activity or vice for Lent, or people who manage to attend a Maundy Thursday, or Good Friday gathering, and show up at some Church building on Resurrection Sunday. We need to be reminded of the Truth that God is not impressed with our Holy Week, or our Holy Season, for that matter.

What God does mandate for His people is Holy living. Sunday through Saturday, every week, every day, every hour. One who avoids evil constantly, not for some specified period of time during the Spring, or one who is committed to a Body of Believers not just one or two Sunday’s a year, but every time the family of God gathers to worship, minister, care, support. . .indeed, llove each other.

I hope you will gather with the Family of God Sunday next (April 4, 2010). But more than that, I pray the Spirit of God will invade your heart, you innermost being, and fill you with a passion for Him and His people. I pray that God will begin to use you in unique and myriad ways to bless the people around you with genuine llove.

May the peace of our Father rest on you these days because you are obedient to His Word.

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