Thought For The Day

How Then Should We Live?

In our society these days it is difficult to know what folks mean when they use certain words. Words mean things, and quite often, they mean different thing to different people. Until we return to a standardization of word definition (as if there ever were a standard) we are going to struggle with clarity.

I want to suggest that we learn to live “righteously.” That word, from Scripture, DIKAIOS, in the New Testament, signifies “just,” meaning without prejudice or partiality. Examples might be – as of the judgements of God, or of His character, or His way of doing things. So then, if we allow our nature to be conformed to His (following redemption), we can live in such a manner as to give and receive the very best in life.

I want to live so that there are no prejudices and partiality in my life regarding others. I want to treat all men and women I meet in a manner that will demonstrate God’s absolute rule in my life. I want my character and my actions to be that and those which most clearly emulate how Christ behaved and lived during His earthly ministry.

Of course that will mean full surrender to the control of Truth in my experience. It will mean character development that can come only after allowing my body, my mind, and my faculties to be sacrificed on the altar of total commitment to God’s will and purpose for my life.

You understand that I am talking here about becoming “just” because I have been “justified” by the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to my life, right?

Don’t allow a failure to define words correctly prevent you from fulfilling the requirements which allow you to become the person God designed and empowered you to be.

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