Thought For The Day

How To Get Smart

Do you ever wonder why some people are so committed to exercise that they take time each day to follow a regimen of activities that build the body’s strength and stamina? I know I do. It is so much easier to sleep late, eat lots, lay around on the couch, and use the car to take the kitchen trash from the porch to the curb.

I know people who run. . .literally, at least several times a week. Some are involved in gathering for “boot camps” where they work themselves into a heavy lather doing all kinds of wild and crazy things. Gyms are everywhere and they are crowded. Well, now we know why.

For the first time, there’s evidence that being fit can improve the speed and connectivity of brain neurons. There’s plenty of evidence that suggests that children who are more physically active do better in school. But what’s contributing to the boost in brain power? In a study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, researchers led by Laura Chaddock-Heyman, a research associate in psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, report that children who are more fit have more white matter in their brains than those who aren’t as fit. The areas of the brain where more white matter was observed are important for attention and memory, and are critical for linking different parts of the brain together. (TIME)

I confess I don’t understand why it doesn’t work for me.

I do know that the Bible says we need to “exercise” our minds “with” and “in” the Truth if we wish to be spiritually healthy. Reading the Word of God and gathering with others to study the Scriptures is the only way to become  more Godly. Freedom is found in God’s Word – “You shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.”

I suggest you find a time for God’s Word each day. . .and a place where His Word is taught with clarity and authority. Being spiritually fit is the only way to live.



One Comment

  • dp

    Your concluding statement is very factual, demonstrated by those we can observe and hope to emulate…but I have to say the fitness/brain matter correlation seems to have zero correlation to what is observable (imho lol).

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