Thought For The Day

I Want To Know!

It is amazing the attention we, as a Nation, pay to some things while nearly (not completely, but almost) ignoring others. Here, now, another example getting National headlines.

While our finest men and women are serving, hurting, and dying on battlefields in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, and while we might publish their names and stories on page one above the fold in newspapers, and every evening take pause during the networks nightly news broadcasts to honor the fallen, we instead focus on an individual who has “betrayed his State, his colleagues, his family, and his Party.”

We don’t want to hear that which rips at our hearts, brings tears to our eyes, and focuses our attention on those whose lives will be forever changed by the mutilation of IED’s and suicide bombers. Instead we can hardly wait for the next installment – “The State newspaper in Columbia published steamy e-mails between Sanford and the woman.”  And, (Oh, the pain and agony [he’s a Republican]) “Now the people of South Carolina and national GOP leaders are picking up the pieces.” (Associated Press, story by Jim Davenport)

“I want to know” is the theme song sung by so many – who is this woman in Argentina? What did they do, and when and how did they do it? How many time has he been to see her? Is he going back? What about his wife? Can she ever, should she ever, forgive him? How can we get him out of office (he’s a Republican – so he has to go)? Will the State of South Carolina be able to survive this betrayal? Is his marriage doomed? How can it not be?

Once again we are branded by our interests. Hasn’t he asked for forgiveness? Let’s grant  it, and move on with never another word uttered or thought regarding this matter. I can assure you, that is what God will do.

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