Thought For The Day

I Would If I Could

I was reading with interest about the guy who figured out how to keep the bank from taking his house –

MOSCOW, Ohio – An Ohio man says he bulldozed his $350,000 home to keep a bank from foreclosing on it. (Associated Press)

Then I got to wondering. . .where did the bulldozer come from? Is it his? Did he rent it? Is it on loan from a friend who builds roads or covers landfills? The reason I ask is because I know how much bulldozers cost. You can buy them, rent them, or borrow them (if you have a friend in the “business”), but with the exception of the latter, they are very expensive.

I’ve been thinking about bulldozing my house. It’s not because I owe the bank, I don’t. I am not behind on my taxes, and my utility payments are up to date. Rather, I was just thinking about how much fun it would be to doze that baby, watch her crumble, and ride that high wave of adrenaline when one is absolutely unstoppable.

I can’t, of course, or won’t do that because I can’t afford a dozer, even a rental, and I don’t have any friends who would loan me one. Besides, I need my house. It may not be quite as fancy as some in the neighborhood (and I live in a poor neighborhood), but it is comfortable, and my sweet bride likes it.

I was also thinking about how we sometimes bulldoze our friends, or our Church, or our customers. We don’t like their actions, or their attitude, or their foolishness – so we just push them out of our lives without a thought or a care. Most of us can remember when we have been dozed, and, after all, turn-about is fair play, right?

Aren’t you glad, when things go wrong, that God keeps His dozer in the garage? If ever there were times in your life when He would have been better off without your actions, attitude, or foolishness, you might have expected to see the “Cat.” But it never came. I am reminded again that God, who can afford the largest of Earth-moving equipment, is in the forgiveness business.  You can be sure He will never bulldoze you out.

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