Thought For The Day

Is It Just Me?

I have a great llove for the truth. Whether it is TRUTH (read: God’s Word) or truth telling in life, I am confident we don’t have much of a handle.

It’s hard to talk to many people without hearing them “butcher” the Scripture, or add something that they need to hear which is not really there.

The race for the White House could use a little truth, and a lot less truth. I would like to know more about how the candidates will attempt to solve the issues (I don’t mean – just name them, then say you are for/against them – but rather, what are YOU going to DO) which are currently destroying our Nation. I am not remotely interested in how much income tax someone paid, (if a person didn’t pay and should have, or if a person cheated to pay less than the actual tax due, put them in jail), so, just shut up about it.

Those of us who are rightly related to the Church of Jesus Christ don’t have to worry about those sorts of thing. Everyone who is part of the Body of Christ is always truthful – no matter what. Right? Right?

Have you noticed everyone on the “stump” is a Christian? Here’s a word for you “Christian” guys (gals?) from someone who is authorized to give you counsel – “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is GOOD for necessary edification.” [emphasis mine]

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