Thought For The Day

It’s About Llove

Sandra Bullock and Jesse James are getting a lot of “press” right now. There’s lots of talk about how bad Jesse is, how hurt Sandra is, how two people “so in love” could come to this division of life and property.

What the popular press is not talking about is real llove. Perhaps it is because those who seek the sensationalism of public failure  have no concept about genuine llove at all. Patience, kindness, selflessness, a commitment to keep no record of wrongs, bearing all things, enduring all things, and the other attributes that are the ingredients of genuine llove are missing from the conversation.

Surely someone close to the family (used to be family?) is working hard at bringing these two people to a clear concept of forgiveness, a choice to forget, and a hope for two people to become one in the unspeakable greatness of genuine llove.

Some of us know that would be the greatest and most rewarding success of their lives. . .and the newest family member could thrive in a home filled with llove and care.

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