Thought For The Day

Jobs in Heaven

Someone asked me if we (those of us who are part of the Kingdom of God) would have “jobs” in Heaven. Interesting question that I have heard many times over the years. I confess, I don’t know the answer, but sometimes I speculate regarding what I might be called on to “do” when I get there.

Many years ago, the Preacher in the Church I attended asked me if I would set up the tables and chairs in Fellowship Hall for a Sunday dinner. I did. He like it. Guess it meant he didn’t have to do it. It wasn’t long before I was setting up chairs in S. S. classrooms, Fellowship Hall, and for outdoor events when they occurred. I am sure everyone though I was pretty good at it – because I had a tendency to complain about it if someone else tried to “horn in” on my job. Truth be known, I probably offended a lot of people over the years because I thought I could do it better and faster than anyone.

When I started attending my new Church, after I retired and moved to East Texas, setting up the tables and chairs was not my appointed job. But I decided to do it as the opportunity presented itself, and, if I must say so myself, I believe (mistakenly I am sure) I am faster and better than all those other folks who do it when I don’t.

Hence, I have occasionally remarked that when I get to Heaven God is going to say, “Bill, we’re having a small banquet this week. Would you set up tables and chairs for 250,000 people, and I need it done by Wednesday.”

Silly, I know, but I have always believed that even the smallest things we do for others are huge in the Kingdom of God. Nothing accomplished is purposeless or worthless, and no matter how trivial it seems, God is pleased when we serve others to the best of our abilities. Holding the door for an older person (or anyone), getting coffee for someone, helping to carry a load of “stuff,” or any number of things that don’t require much skill are just as important as those things we believe are “special.”  (Like being the pianist. Wish that were me.) Always providing a warm, genuine greeting when folks arrive at Church is invaluable.

In fact, if I can please the Father by setting up tables and chairs when we get to Heaven, just point out the storage room. I got this!


  • Dave Cleveland

    What a good example of a willing attitude! Perhaps we will be continually and joyfully praising God as the “Living Creatures” of Revelation, or maybe just in “shifts”, I don’t know—

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