Thought For The Day


An old song has been running through my mind (or what is left of it) today. Perhaps you remember –

“Longing, longing for Jesus, I have a longing in my heart for Him. . . .”

If we are not constant (daily) and consistent in our communication with Jesus, it is not difficult to find ourselves longing for Him. I can’t help but wonder why that is not true for so many folks in relationship to the Church. . .or the gathering of the Church. I am talking to people these days who have wandered away from the Church, and finding multitudes of reasons, some understandable, and most not so. I keep wondering why there is no longing in the hearts of those separated from the family for that warmth of relationship that is designed to be part of our mutual experience.

I find myself “longing” for one I llove when closeness and contact are nonexistent, even for a brief period of time. I am thinking that is right and good. It stirs me toward re-examination and reconnection. I am believing that it is a good thing when we are honest about the division in the family of God over little problems and issues that are easily resolved when llove abounds and humility is a common trait.

Ask yourself what it is you long for? When it comes to your less than stellar relationship with Christ, or your haphazard relationship with His Bride – is there a longing in your heart? If not, you are either not His child, or you have moved far, far from the work of His Spirit in you.

In either case, get help. Find a Church where Jesus Christ is LORD of all.

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