Thought For The Day

Religion In America

I have been reading some information regarding “Religion In America.” It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, because I am confident there is little understanding regarding the “words” that are used to discuss such things.

Here are a few: religion, religiosity, faith, church, spirituality, affiliated, observant, devout, Christian.

There is a clear Scriptural (and I believe correct) definition for each of those words, which will correspond with the ideas of some scholars, and appear widely divergent with others. Each of those words have definitions which Scripture, and I, cannot identify. The question of what is happening to “religion” in America is a moot point until we define our terms.

In my opinion, Religion is man’s search for God. Christianity is God’s search for man. Yet, many people who call themselves Christian have no visible or decipherable involvement with the God of Scripture. I am convinced one can be devout, yet devoutly wrong. It is easy to speak of being affiliated with a particular religion, or church, and yet have no involvement with the Creator of all that exists, and He who sustains and maintains all that continues.

Many people appear to believe all “religions” are of equal value, and God is known by many names and myriad understandings. Hence, discovering “religion in America” is an almost impossible task.

One thing is for sure – the “religions” of America are failing to maintain morality, stabilize Truth, and lead folks to an understanding of that Truth. Instead we (read: America) are sinking into the abyss of despair and dissolution.

If we don’t define our terms, determine real Truth, and return to the “God Who Is,” America will wonder one day what “religion” was all about.

One Comment

  • dp

    Scary stuff Indeed. As I have said before, the reactions of many a person is almost comical when you tell them “what they believe is irrelevant unless it is true” (concerning their “religion”).
    God says that His existence is proclaimed each and everyday and no one can hide from such proclamation.

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