Thought For The Day

Marriage Dissolution

It certainly does not come as a surprise that there would be Court cases and arguments regarding the “divorce” of homosexuals who have been married in States that approved such marriages, and States that have not approved such marriage. The argument has made its way to Texas Courts, and it’s a toss-up as to how it will be resolved.

Divorce is an issue that most people would just as soon avoid talking about since “everybody knows someone who has been there,” or have experienced it themselves. The havoc it creates in the life of individuals, including “children of divorce,” is real and extremely damaging to most.

There is a partial solution that I embrace and support, even though many will call me “crazy” (a pretty normative thing for me). Let’s strengthen the requirements for getting a marriage license. We don’t seem to have any problem with fairly stringent regulations regarding getting a driver’s license, and even more stringent requirements for a plumber’s license, law license, or license to practice medicine. I know there is a difference in degree of seriousness if your home’s plumbing is fouled up compared to your body’s plumbing being repaired, but marriage and home building, child raising and family harmony are very, very serious issues.

I am not in favor of “more government,” but I would support requiring couples to have extensive pre-marital counseling, agreement for “pre-divorce” counseling, and agreement for “pre-divorce” out of court, supervised division of property, before a marriage license would be issued and before a divorce is granted. And, you might ask, who would do all this counseling. . .someone with a license, of course. If we made it harder for folks to get married, and harder to get divorced, maybe we would have more success at saving marriages and homes. That would be a good thing, don’t you think?

By the way, homosexual behavior and homosexual marriages are abhorrent to God. That just needs to be stopped, period.

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