Thought For The Day

Mending Fences

I have spent the last couple of weeks (with a year or so to go) mending fences. I am talking about the wire, post, steeple, wire clip, kind of fence mending. It’s been a long time since anyone did any work around here on the fences and they are pretty sad.

It does remind me that most of us have some fences to mend (the kind where we have gotten crosswise with family or friends), and the Holidays are a good time to get that task under way.

Perhaps you will be seeing someone on Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Years Eve and there is a strained relationship issue. As the macho folks say, “Man Up,” and make sure that problem is resolved before the New Year has an opportunity to continue the sour feelings.

Most of my fences are in the woods. I spend more time cutting away the brush, briars, and bushes than I do actually stringing wire. Sometimes it is like that in our relationships as well. We have allowed “stuff” to get between us and resolving the problem. Time to clean out, mend the fence, and get back to lloving family and friends above all else except the Father.

With wire fences and relationship fences the hardest part is getting started. Just do it. . .today!


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