Thought For The Day

Mulberry Trees and Mountains

In Luke 17:6 Jesus said, You can say to this mulberry tree, ‘be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.’  In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said you could say to a mountain, ‘move from here to there, and it will move.’ Was He just “talking,” sharing some kind of hyperbole that was to inspire those guys to be more “faithful,” or do you think He meant exactly that?

How you answer the question–yes or no–is not the issue. Rather, it is coming to an understanding that the source and the object of all genuine faith – even the weak “mustard seed” variety – is God. True faith always requires surrender to the will of God  – and with God, nothing will be impossible. (see Luke 1:37)

Have you wondered what is the “will of God” during these days of “crisis” in our Nation. Is He telling us something? Is He bringing the World to attention? Is He simply allowing the Enemy to bring death to mankind through a different virus than we have seen before? Is this the beginning of a “New World Order?” Is it the early stages of the “end of the age?” Will things return to “normal” as we know it?  People are asking, speculating, or even assuring those who will listen that it is one or the other, or all of those things.

I don’t know how to answer those questions. But I do know the answer. God is allowing and disallowing that which is in accordance with His will and purpose. That has been the ruling authority since He spoke the Cosmos into existence. If one can get past that, by which I mean accept that reality (it is the Truth), then one can begin to deal with the real issues that face those who are His children. Can we believe that nothing can harm us outside His will for us as individuals and His collective Body? Can we believe that our mission has not changed – that is to spread the Gospel to those around us, and disciple all who come to saving  faith in Christ Jesus our Lord? ONLY that which is within the confines of His Will for us will come our way, and we will choose to be obedient or not. ONLY obedience will bring peace in our innermost being whether that includes life, or death, or sickness, or pain, or struggle, or hurt, or nothing more than a bit of inconvenience.

I have no direction to move any mulberry trees. . .or mountains. I do have directions regarding making conversation infused with grace and llove. I do have direction regarding sharing the Gospel message of new life in Christ. I do have direction in working toward being a faithful disciple and teaching others about how to do so. (see Matthew 28:19-20) I do have the infinite promise of peace, joy, hope, and llove.

Whatever comes of this “crisis” nothing in the previous paragraph will change. As long as His people are here, we have a work of faith. When we have completed that task according to His will, we’re going home. Both (the task and the home-going) are infinitely larger than moving trees and mountains.

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