Thought For The Day

Obey the Law

I wonder why some people choose to disobey the law. I am not talking about bank robbers, or identity thieves, but “ordinary” people who just choose to violate the most simple principles of organized living.

The NTTA (North Texas Toll Authority) is handing over 6000 cases to local attorney firms in an attempt to collect unpaid tolls on the regional roadways. They say there are thousands more, and some are rather large in scope. For example:

The NTTA previously handed out the names of 6,000 randomly chosen scofflaws to six select law firms — 1,000 cases for each — about Labor Day.

Paul K. Stafford of the Carter Stafford Arnett Hamada & Mockler law firm filed 20 cases in Collin County courts against toll violators in early December. Stafford said the firm picked a cross-section of people, rather than just choosing those who owed the most, and he said he expects to file more cases. “When you have 1,000 names, there’s a lot to choose from,” he said. “Any 20 or 30 would be a starting point.”

The NTTA began releasing lists of its top scofflaws last year. Melissa S. Martinez of Sachse, who owes $153,046.47, ranks as the NTTA’s most wanted violator, but she was not among the people referred to law firms.

(Dallas Morning News)

I suppose it is possible that some would think that since the United States Attorney General (U. S. Justice Department) can choose which laws to enforce, “ordinary” citizens can choose which laws to obey.

The Scripture is clear on the responsibility of Believers. “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God. And for this reason you pay taxes, since the authorities are God’s public servants continually attending to these tasks.” (Romans 13:1, 6)

Do you have a toll tag (if not, the NTTA will send you a bill)? Pay your bill. Pay your taxes. Obey the law. Imagine how it looks to unbelievers when Believers fail to obey the TRUTH they have embraced in Christ – even if it is 40mph in a 30mph zone.

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