Thought For The Day

October’s End

I know as I write this that I am going to get in trouble. You would think that one as old as I would know better. Wrong!

You know that the second largest holiday sale, ranking just behind Christmas, is Halloween. I  watch the pumpkin patches spring up over the last few weeks of October, and I see yards decorated with all kinds of scary stuff. People get an early start and some really “get into it.”

There has always been an outcry from the Theological right about the appropriateness of the season for those who are committed to the Truth of God’s Word. There is a lot said in Scripture that might make one take a second look at all that Halloween embraces. We all know that there is a problem with witches, goblins and the focus on cemeteries, ghosts, fear and death. I continue to be amazed at the latter of these in light of how we seem unwilling, for the most part, to discuss death the rest of the year, yet here we do it as a matter of course.

One thing I do know is that Christians  should have no fear of death simply because we shall not taste of it. Our eternal life begins at the Cross and because He lives, we too shall live! Paul said, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:6-8)

I have no desire to create a fear of chain saws in my grandchildren because I use one all the time, and I need them to learn how to use it so I can retire from that activity. I’m already afraid of spiders, and I hate getting into a spider’s web. Don’t make me do that, even if it is fake.

So, do I dislike the “trick or treat” mentality and costumes? Yeah, pretty much. Please don’t misunderstand. I am not choosing for you. I know everyone has to come to their own conclusion, but I’m saving the candy for me, and the cartoon character costumes cost too much for their single use.

Our Fall Cookout,  and a few nights out around a campfire roasting marshmallows, is enough for me in October. I’ll just wait now for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I can get into those holidays. They are all about God’s marvelous gifts to His children.


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