Thought For The Day

Out of Mind — Out of Sight

What is on  your mind? Most people are familiar with the addage – “Out of sight, Out of mind,” but we need to think about that the other way round.  Out of site – Out of mind, works sometimes. Out of mind – Out of site, works every time. We fail to see or comprehend or understand that which is not the focus of our mind. Romans 12:2 tells us that we need to be “transformed by the renewing of our mind, so that we may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”

The hardest time to find your car key is when you are late and need to be someplace else a while ago. Our mind is not focused on seeing the key because we are distracted by the lateness of our arrival.

It’s hard for Believers and Church attenders to see the plight of non-believers and/or non-attenders because that is not where their mind is focused. They drive by the building and don’t even see it. We, of course notice whose car is in the parking lot and that the night light is on in the Nursery.

Our Bibles are not gathering dust on a shelf somewhere, but they are not read and studied with diligence because knowing the TRUTH of God’s Revelation is not the top priority of our mind.  Prayer meeting has a smaller attendance NOT because we don’t believe that prayer touches the heart of God, but because we don’t think of corporate prayer as a vital changing agent, and a necessity.

We don’t see every contact as an opportunity to share our Faith. Our focus is on food if we are in a restaurant, the game if it’s football, the next sale if it’s business. Because sharing our Faith is not focused in our mind, it is out of site.

Focusing our mind must occur more now than ever before. We can SEE the World we are in because the call of God is on our mind.We can only see and do that which is God’s will if  our mind is focused on His Truth.

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