Thought For The Day

Past and Present

I don’t often quote the head of the Roman Catholic Church, but that is not because he is not a very wise man. He seems, at least, to be unafraid to speak truthfully about World issues, and that is valuable information.

In speaking about the genocide against the Armenians in Turkey a century ago, he made the following statement:

“It seems that the human family has refused to learn from its mistakes caused by the law of terror, so that today too there are those who attempt to eliminate others with the help of a few and with the complicit silence of others who simply stand by.” (Associated Press)

The writer of the article for AP went on to say:

Francis has frequently denounced the “complicit silence” of the world community in the face of the modern-day slaughter of Christians and other religious minorities by Islamic extremists. (IBID.)

There is a “complicit silence” in the Church of Jesus Christ as well as the World community during the days. Not only are Christians around the World being killed because of their faith (right or wrong), but Christians are being systematically eliminated from their role in societal issues facing America which will ultimately destroy this once great Nation. The genocide of abortion, the abolition of Scriptural values, and the destruction of God’s design for family, is leading us all toward becoming just another 3rd World country.

Standing for Godliness and clearly speaking Truth is the only solution to resolving these issues. Even now, it may be too late. If so, the judgment of God will come as surely as the sunrise.

One Comment

  • dp

    we say history repeats itself (and it apparently does) but is it not just sinful man doing what sinful man will do? Meaning that they will lie, destroy and Kill; can they do anything else?
    And as you point out, we can only proclaim truth and that will make them do more of the lying, killing and destroying until they are annihilated (Forever).

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