Thought For The Day

Post Florida

The school shooting in Florida is a nearly impossible to bear tragedy for so many. Here at Lloveletters we are praying collectively for the students, and the families of those who were killed and injured.

Some are saying we should listen to those students and follow their advice. If only that would help at all, so we might. But it won’t.

“The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues,” according to their website. “No special interest group, no political agenda is more critical than timely passage of legislation to effectively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country.” (TIME)

High school students are talking on message boards to make April 20th the day they all walk out of school and don’t come back until Congress updates the gun laws as it’s their lives on the line. (TIME)

They are evidently too young to know Congress does nothing without consent of “special interest groups,” and EVERYTHING is part and parcel of the “political agenda.” Walking out of school, even if the students NEVER come back, will not change one single thing that matters in this arena. There is NO GUN VIOLENCE issue (guns are inanimate). There is a human frailty issue.

The topic before us, as it always has been, is not guns, or even mental illness. It is about societal failure. What we are seeing and suffering through is the pervasive rebellion of a society through several generations that has brought us to a “me first” mind set that is couched in violence learned through a Century of self-centeredness, financial gain, the destruction of the “family unit” and ego-centric thinking above all else.

Our Nation is rotting from the inside out, and these bursts of violence are the eruptions that follow the path we have (especially during the 20th/21st Century) established through rampant immorality, illicit drugs and alcohol, absolute political failure, the obliteration of family life, and abandonment of the supremacy of God our Creator.

Until we face the real problem, and solve it, we are doomed to repeat history over and over.

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