Thought For The Day


I told our Preacher that on Wednesday evening I was going to share with our people that I disagreed with what he is going to say in his message (sermon) next Sunday.

He was a little surprised – not that I disagreed – but that I might be jumping the gun. I advised him I was in “good” company since “prebuttal” seems to be the new normal.

In preparation for President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night, the Democratic National Committee on Monday gathered lawmakers for a conference call with reporters to offer a “prebuttal” to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s not-yet-delivered Republican rebuttal to Obama’s not-yet-delivered national address. (Yahoo News)

Wouldn’t it be interesting if President Obama said something was wasn’t expected and Senator Rubio talked about making ice-cream? Of course that is not going to happen. Everyone already knows what everyone else is going to say because there is nothing new in Washington, and very little, if anything, ever changes. It just comes down to understanding that a significant number of people are going to believe the first thing they hear – no matter what may be the Truth.

Well, the Pastor informed me that I might struggle a little on Wednesday evening since he had no idea of what he was going to say on Sunday because he was still unsure what part of God’s revealed Word he would be impressed to proclaim that day.

I got to thinking – wouldn’t it be great if those folks in Washington were listening and preparing for the Truth revealed in the Word of God?

Fat chance!

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