Thought For The Day

Rising Seas

Every day my concern deepens that my friends and family living in coastal areas of our great Country are going to lose their property and maybe their lives if we don’t get this problem solved.

Al Gore, one of the world’s most respected and brilliant scientists, and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his groundbreaking work in analyzing the shrinking Arctic polar ice made a most grim announcement at the summit in Copenhagen.

Michael Casey reports in an AP story – Former Vice President Al Gore told the conference that new data suggests a 75 percent chance the entire Arctic polar ice cap may disappear in the summertime as soon as five to seven years from now. Gore, who won a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change, joined the foreign ministers of Norway and Denmark in presenting two new reports on melting Arctic ice.”

It is clear that when the ice melts the level of the seas will be raised to the point that all who live near the coasts will suffer great loss. There were some skeptical folks among my family members so I attempted to demonstrate the seriousness of this issue. I filled a large bowl about half-full of ice and then the remainder of the bowl with water. I set it on the kitchen table above a couple of their video games and their cell phones and told them to sit and watch as the ice melted. Of course I reminded them that the loss of their games and phones had no comparison to what would happen when this event occurs in the real world.

I never have been really good at experimental demonstrations, but I hope they got the point.

If God has lost it, and our world is balancing precariously on the brink of extinction from a lack of parity in the distribution of wealth causing some to teeter closer to the edge than others, I wouldn’t count to heavily on that “Heaven” thing either.

Psalm 93:3
Psalm 95:5






















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