Thought For The Day

Running Blind

As a runner I understand the dynamics of the sport. Doing it blind. . .well, I am amazed.

Thomas Panek, 48, has been a runner for quite some time — he’s run 20 marathons throughout his life. Ever since he lost his sight in his early 20’s, he was hesitant to continue running, but eventually trained to run in races with the help of human guides tethered to him. However, he wondered if it was possible to run a race without human guidance, instead led only with guide dogs. (TIME)

Thomas has trained three dog to pace him in the New York Half Marathon. They will run with him one at a time for each 5k. I can’t imagine how tricky that will be. The obstacles that exist in a race are sometimes scary even for a sighted runner. I have never been on a street course where there is not the ever present opportunity to trip over some small hole, bump, rock, uneven pavement, or even somebody. Dogs can do a lot of things, but I don’t think they survey and correct the evenness of each step. I am sure Thomas is a better runner than I, and I am amazed.

What I find even more incredible is that so many people run the race of life blind. The majority are able to see with their eyes, but choose to run with the “blindfold” of ignorance regarding the obstacles along the way and the termination of each race which is physical death.

The writer of Hebrews talked about this race. He said, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. . .” (Hebrews 12:1). It is that heavy weight of ignorance regarding the Truth that keeps us from running well. For while we are able to see with our eyes, our minds are often blinded by the Enemy, the distractions, the lack of concentration and consecration, that are required to “run well.”

I admire Thomas for his fortitude, desire, patience, to compete at a sport that all would agree requires great discipline. We would be wise to utilize every discipline possible to achieve the maturity, strength, and will required to become what we have been designed by God to be, in this World, and the Infinity to come.

Paul, the Apostle said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7)


One Comment

  • Dave Cleveland

    Incredible story. Hope he is well padded, must take many falls. I should be so inspired to challenge the small obstacles I face.

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