Thought For The Day

Serious Ignorance

As I have listened and read today, I have to admit I am dumfounded. I want to say that there is no way people could be so ignorant. But then, I know “dumb” has to do with different thing for different folks.

I am not going to embarrass anyone further by giving names –

A high-ranking State Department person said we can defeat ISIS (this killing machine now operating in a multitude of Countries), and other terrorists groups, by getting them jobs. Really? Really? How do people like this get this get a State Department job? How do they find their office? How do they manage to not play in the street?

The highest-ranking member of the United States Government says that to effectively defeat ISIS, and other terrorist groups, “We need to address their grievances;” then rattled on about their poverty, lack of stable Government, and poor education. Surely I dreamed this! It is too massive a load of stupidity to even comprehend.

There is as much ignorance being displayed in these statements as there is with people who are convinced that at the end of their life on Earth, and prior to the rest of their existence (eternal, separated from God), there is going to be a huge balance scale with all their “good works” (which the Bible calls “filthy rags”) on one side, and all the evil they have done (which they call “mistakes”) on the other side, and if the “good” side is heavier, they go to Heaven. If the “mistake” side is heavier they just cease to exist.

2000+ years of the Gospel, and all the Truth and experience of the Old Testament, the magnificence of God’s creation, the clear yearning of man’s heart for genuine llove, and the law of God written on mankind’s heart (conscience) has not even entered their consideration, and yet they have it all figured out.

People who know the Truth (about both these issues) are, frankly, open-mouthed incredulous.



  • randy

    It can only be one or two things. Maybe their ignorant? Probably not. Maybe their uneducated? Probably not. Maybe they are the enemy? Maybe. The bottom line is that they are simply unqualified to lead. An individual who is unable to identify their enemy is unable to lead themselves much less anyone else.

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