Thought For The Day

Should I (You) Be Worried?

My bride left for the “store” a few moments ago. She usually tells me the name of one store, then visits several. If I know her, and I do, she will make a restroom stop before returning home. I am wondering if I need to worry.

I watched a video this morning of a man asking an “Asset Protection” person at Target if it was OK if he used the women’s room while in the store. . .because “sometimes he felt a little uncomfortable in the men’s room.” The Target staff person told him it was just fine, and if any women had a problem with that they needed to see the store management.

I am sure there are no men, in the environs in which I live, who have any ulterior motives –  just those of a biological necessity. I understand that “women’s rooms” have stalls with doors which are “lockable.” (I am not really too familiar with women’s rooms.) So I suppose I have nothing to worry about. . .but still, it crosses my mind that some men are just not always what they seem to be, i.e. while looking perfectly “normal” they have been known to practice despicable behavior around women.

Fortunately my wife is very smart, can be a bit mean when necessary, and seldom would one want to cross her with any foolish behavior. I am glad I don’t have any daughters, and there are no little girls in my family, except my one baby granddaughter. And, while I am reasonably sure there is nothing to worry about, I think I will suggest we stop shopping at Target. I don’t believe in boycotts, per se, and this isn’t that. It’s more just an old man a little concerned about a minimal danger. I confess I get that way at times. . .probably comes as a result of great llove.

Now in a few years (5 or 6?) when my granddaughter is old enough to take care of restroom business on her own, and this kind of immoral foolishness has expanded exponentially, well. . .look out. Her dad or I might have to hurt someone. . .and I do mean HURT.

One Comment

  • Adams

    Ezekiel 22 describes what happens when a nation turns away from god. unless this nation turns back to the lord, there is no hope.
    Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “A leader is one that gets people to do something he wants, because they want to.”
    god is telling the people what he wants. the question is when they will want to do what he wants?
    god uses men to carry out his plan. unless Christians hear and do, our future as a nation is doomed.

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