Thought For The Day

Significant Amount

There are some things that bother me. I am sure you know that by now. Here is one more.
I read in Sunday’s Star-Telegram (April 17) an article on the salaries of administrative assistants who work for public school superintendents in the Mid-Cities complex of schools. Suffice it to say, the salary of some of those assistants is a problem for Master’s Degree Teachers who make less – sometimes, a lot less.
I don’t want to comment on the salary structure – I suppose that is none of my business – but I do want to comment on these words from the article:
Buinger (Superintendent) says Rutledge’s (Administrative Assistant) salary is a small portion of H-E-B’s $155.5 million annual operating budget. The district is in better financial shape than others in Texas, with $70 million in its fund balance.

I find it incongruous in our current financial situation as a Nation that saving fifty grand, or so, by firing (or, shall we say, failing to renew a contract) someone we don’t want on the payroll anymore (in this case – teachers) is a “necessary and prudent” move to balance the budget. Keeping someone that we want on the payroll (administrative assistant – in this case) is “a small portion” of a huge, really huge, budget (read: drop in the bucket).

The thinking is exactly the same in our Government. How often does one hear a “talking head” say that, in light of a three trillion dollar budget, a few million dollars, or a billion or two here or there,  is a “drop in the ocean” and therefore nothing to be concerned about.

Every dollar is a dollar. Every dollar counts. There are people who literally go hungry and live poorly because their cost of living (especially taxes – some of which go to HEB ISD) is so high. A few thousand dollars – a million or two million dollars – a drop in the ocean – give me a break! It’s bread and light to some folks.
I’m glad my Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills, the wealth in every mine. All that exists is His. My Preacher says He is sending His Son to straighten out this mess. I can hardly wait!!

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