Thought For The Day

Stuff For The Kids

A Star-Telegram article regarding the Pate Museum auction caught my attention. Susan McFarland wrote – “[One gentlemen] loves adding to his children’s car collection. Instead of Matchbox cars, the Fort Worth contractor buys the real deal for his sons, ages 7 and 4. Real deals like a 1963 Corvette roadster, which he bought Saturday at an auction near Cresson that cleaned out the Pate Museum of Transportation, which closed in December after 40 years. “I’ve been waiting for this for a couple of months. He won the Corvette for $32,500, adding to the 50 cars that he says are in his sons’ collection, dating back to a 1940 model.

I guess I am a bit jealous since my folks couldn’t even afford to supply me with the Matchbox cars. We just used pieces of wood to play in the dirt. Now I have to collect something much less expensive than cars.

I like the idea very much! We need to think about good, no, great things we can do for our kids. No doubt his kids collection will brighten their future in more ways than one.

Just one more thought, however. In all of our “getting” make sure we help them to get the most important thing in life – a relationship with Jesus Christ. No matter how much we can supply for our kids – of llove, of financial resources, of opportunity, or a paid up life – one day they will face the Lord of Heaven and Earth. He will call them to account for their life, and without a Savior, all of it will have been worthless.

Give your kids the gift of an opportunity to hear the Gospel – first and foremost. Then add whatever you like. They will llove you for it.

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