Thought For The Day

Tar Balls

When I was in high school (yes, I know it’s hard to remember so long ago) I made a trip to Galveston with some friends for Spring Break. I remember getting “tar” (or some oily mess) on my feet walking on the beach. I would suppose that has been going on forever, and while it may be worse. . .or much worse, now, it is a phenomenon that is part of our world.

According to APMore than two months after oil from BP’s blown-out seafloor well first reached Louisiana, a bucket’s worth of tar balls that washed onto a Texas beach means the crude has arrived in every Gulf state.

They (the media) make it sound like it is the end of life as we know it. And who knows, perhaps it is.

One thing I know is that this oil is spreading like sin. First, there is a little here or there, and before you know it, it is everywhere. In the beginning it seems we can control it without help. And, in light of everything else that is wrong in the world, this is a minor thing. As time goes by, however, the problem grows – it begins to infect and affect every part of our life, and even spill over on others. Before we could ever imagine, sin has become a problem we cannot solve.

There is a solution, of course, for sin. It’s blood. The cleansing, life-giving blood of the Savior poured out on Calvary. It eliminates the problem, replaces it with righteousness, and sets us free from the chains that bind us to the tyranny of sin.

Now, if  we can find that kind of resolution for the oil in the Gulf. . . .

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