Thought For The Day

The End of America

The end of America  as we know it (at least for old people) is looming ever closer. There have been so many changes in our society in the past half century, it is hard to recognize the Country so many of us grew up in. But this new story may be the final straw. This could be the straw that broke the camel’s back. If this is not a “straw man” the end is near.

If you’re a fan of Jell-O, it may be time to stock up. One analyst thinks we could soon be seeing the end of the jiggly, fruity treat forever. Morningstar analyst Erin Lash suggested that Jell-O could be among the casualties of the Heinz-Kraft merger plans announced earlier this week, Market Watch reports. (Fortune)

No more Jell-O? That is un-American. How many times have we made it – and waited by the refrigerator for it to “set?” How many times have we added our favorite “extra” ingredient to make it ever more perfect. How many times in the college dining room, when the Jell-O was so stiff you couldn’t stick a fork in it, did we spend half an hour throwing it at each other from behind the tables and chairs. What child of the ’50s and ’60s hasn’t stirred the Jell-O with their mother while standing on a chair in the kitchen?

Now Jell-O is to go the way of, say, faithfulness to attend Church on Sunday evening, cheerful givers who support mission causes around the World, Family Bible Study on Saturday evening around the kitchen table, large crowds gathered in small rooms to pray for the needs of their community, Preachers who proclaim the Word of God rather than promote personal prosperity and self-gratification.

Oh, it’s a sad day, beloved. NO MORE JELL-O? Say  it isn’t so! Pleeeeease!!

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