Thought For The Day

Those Beavers Again

Some weeks ago I told you about my encounter with a beaver (there was only one, at least as far as I can tell) and how I could not get him to help me with my “tree plan.”

I am still in the process of cleaning up the damage that one beaver caused in my “park.” I had to remove the five trees (cut them up and burn the brush) he cut totally down, and I am now evaluating those that will have to come down, either because they are dangerously “gnawed” or will die from the “girdling” process with which he started.

Again, it takes me back to the Church. The truth is, sometimes I am glad some of the folks don’t come on a regular basis (see the previous post) because of the trouble they cause and the damage that results in the life of individuals and the collective body. It’s hard to believe that anyone could be “unwanted” in the family of God, but there are those who create such havoc we would be better off without them (at least in my opinion. God’s opinion might differ).

Now if you think I have you in mind, well. . .get over that. I am talking about the individual who ignores the truth to force feed the flock his personal agenda. I am talking about the individual who never really hears the message because he is angry about the “style” of the delivery. I am talking about the individual who wants to be in control, and, while incapable of following leadership, aspires to be the leader. I am talking about the individual who runs his mouth without ever speaking clearly the words of edification, compassion, and llove toward others.

It’s like one beaver in the midst of a thousand trees. Someone(s) is going to get hurt.

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