Thought For The Day

Where Did Life Come From?

All my life I have heard, and often been involved in, the argument regarding the origin of life. How, when, where, and the incredibly difficult matter of the length of time involved from “start” to what is evidently the end (it no longer seems to be happening), man.

In another of my favorite journals Nature Chemistry, we may have some exciting new ideas that are going to please a lot of people.

A new study in the journal Nature Chemistry provides strong evidence that the ingredients necessary to concoct the first life forms did indeed exist on earth. The scientists say that they used hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide and ultraviolet light—three basic elements that were available pre-life as we know it—to create the building blocks of compounds that eventually led to the genetic material that all life on earth holds in common, DNA. (TIME)

Now, perhaps we can do away with all that stuff about “dust.” Certainly these findings must disprove the ramblings of Scripture: And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)

Surely we can’t believe that God did not need hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide and ultraviolet light, but with a handful of common, ordinary, everyday dust, created that which is His own image, and that for which He created the entirety of the Cosmos, and that for which he would one day provide the sacrifice necessary to redeem His creation, our Savior, Jesus Christ, who would lay down His life on Calvary.

I mean, who could believe that?

P. S. BTW, as we say, God created hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide and ultraviolet light too.


  • dp

    Yes we know that to be true
    (I like the word “know” better than “believe” it really seems to make people mad when you say “Know” – when you say “believe,” they can walk away thinking “you are an idiot,” when you say “Know,” they know you are saying they are an idiot for not believing 🙂

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