Thought For The Day

2021 Arrives Right On Time

Lloveletters has made an attempt to share some of the New Year’s posts from the past with you, just to remind you that we go through this process every 365 days or so. Now it is time for the current edition.

There are a multitude of people who are unhappy, distressed, angry, willing to riot, leave the Country. . .well, I could continue the word barrage. I believe I understand a lot of that, as I am sure you do as well. It is OK to be concerned about our Nation. Our Congress leaves us stupefied as they do so little, so often, so senselessly,and  so foolishly, which is designed to “help” we the  people (their employer), and do so much to damage our Nation by tearing down our Constitution, ideals, hopes, dreams, and freedoms.

The next few years will be difficult, in my estimation, regarding our freedom to Worship in public. Of course it is impossible for us to be stopped from Worshiping in private. I expect that some of the things our Pastor says will become “hate speech” in the political correctness which does so much damage in the lives of people. I am convinced there will be moves to close Church buildings, limit Christian gatherings, and National “leadership” will look away as attempts are made to remove every vestige of Christianity from the public sector – even as the attempts are currently moving forward to rid America of our Civil War history. Do they not know we LEARN from history?

It would be foolish to deny that “war” is on the streets of America in various places. Will that increase? I pray not, but I must confess that may be a part of what God allows as we move further and further from being, as a Nation, what our Founding Fathers conceived. Some have said we are, as individuals, the most “armed” Nation in the World, and many, if not most, are ready to protect and defend their way of life at any cost.

Perhaps God will send an Isaiah or Jeremiah into America (to interpret Scripture). He sent his Son some 2000+ years ago, saying “HEAR HIM.” But most have not listened. The Word of God lies before us with little interest and minimal understand for the vast majority of those who lead and rule over us, and those who live on the streets of our cities and populate the countryside.

There has been a lot of wishing and hope that 2020 would finally end. And so it shall. Are you ready for 2021?

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