Thought For The Day

A Little Bible Study

Last evening our Wednesday Bible Study began with prayer as always. The screen lit up with the verse  and commentary from our  week before. We read the next few verses and the “teacher” began at verse 7 of Colossians, Chapter 1. An hour later we were still in verse 7 and several of the people in the room had spoken. They were asking questions, providing insight, pointing to other Scripture which shed light on the verse under consideration. The time flew by, people were seeing the reality of the Spirit of God at work in His family of Believers. It was not the first time, nor will it be the last. Folks are hungry for the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth,

If you take time to look up that verse, you will see that it is about the “knowledge of God’s will” in the life of each Believer. People are gaining knowledge, excitement is palpable, and things are changing in their day to day walk.

That is, in part, what “Church” is about. Knowledge brings wisdom and llove – characteristics  that enhance everything in life.

If you are not involved somewhere where that is happening, find a place where it is. It’s a beautiful thing!

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