Thought For The Day

To Live!

Amos, the prophet of Old Testament fame, quoted the Lord God of Heaven –

“Seek Me and live!”

Life has a way of throwing obstacles in our path, sucking the joy out of our days, and shuttering our enthusiasm. We see the world revolving around us in much the same manner it has since it’s creation, give or take a few improvement in our standard of living and the tools available to us. Being careless, by in large, we get distracted from our spiritual roots and find ourselves living just like the rest of the poor souls who have yet to discover the reality shouted by Amos so long ago.

God has no design for His children except the image of the Savior. Without question the Savior grew physically tired from the daily process of giving Himself to those around Him, hours spent in prayer through sleepless nights, and the constant barrage of criticism and anger which surrounded Him.

One cannot examine His life without clearly visualizing how faithfully, concertedly, and excitedly He sought the Father. He was being obedient to Amos’ message. How about you?

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