Thought For The Day


I need to say one more thing on this topic. I know I am not supposed to write political-leaning stuff. The Preacher I ghost write for feels it is beneath his office. Oh well, maybe he should do his own writing.

Once again I listened. I should have known better. It was the Town Hall meeting aptly called “The President and the People.” I was under the impression there were going to be some questions. . .and some answers. Typically, the question askers made statements that were of no value, and asked questions that are impossible to answer without writing a thesis as long as the Federal Tax Code, and the question answerer failed to give any answers at all. . .well, correct that; he did say he has been stopped by the Police for speeding.

The Truth is – he doesn’t know the answers. It almost seems as if no one who works for our Government does have answers. (HINT: Perhaps we should look to the One who has the answers.) Mrs. Clinton says we need “to have a ‘conversation'” about race relations in America. I’m sure we have been having that conversation the entirety of my lifetime. I said last time. . .talk is easy. I am right about that!

The problem is that the heart of mankind is evil. Some people allow that evil to produce violence. Others lie, cheat, steal, and develop all kinds of way to scam “the system” and their fellowman. Some appear to overcome that evil and become “good.” But underneath there is a heart of rebellion to Truth, and that can erupt into evil of any kind, any time.

Since all “good” is based in Truth, there is a continuing problem. Until we begin to shift the conversation to that evil, and recognize that either, 1) the heart much change, or, 2) evil men must be forced to obey the law and live orderly, we will never get to the heart of the problem.

The “cop out” is ridiculous. Can’t we all just get along? Can’t we just love one another? No. We cannot. Talking about lloving one another is a waste of time if the definition of “love” is incorrect from the get go.

Perhaps  I sound cynical about the issue. It’s because I am. I think some of the “talking heads” are right about one thing. . .it may not get better before it gets worse.


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