Thought For The Day

Christmas Comes

Thanksgiving is over. We’re down to the turkey carcass soup. I mean the holiday of course. We could/should find things for which to be thankful every day – both from our Father and from all those who are part of our life.

I am guessing it is time to join the crowd who by-in-large passed Thanksgiving and went directly to Christmas commerce. Black Friday not withstanding, Christmas is where the “big money” is found. Almost everybody will be buying something and most folks will be buying lots of stuff and such, spending as if this is the last time they will have opportunity to empty their pockets before the New Year.

I am convinced that one has to purposely plan to have a Christ centered Christmas. I don’t mean that there will not be lots of merriment, sentiment, seasonal music – of course there will. What of which there will be little is the “reason for the season.” We all know that Christmas is the time of year those who known Christ celebrate His birth. While He certainly was not born in the midst of Winter, I suppose it is as good a time to focus on God becoming a human as any other time. The vast majority of humans will pay scant attention to His incarnation (God assuming humanity), some none at all, and only a few will pinpoint the arrival of God’s Messiah, promised for thousand of years, who would by His sacrificial death redeem mankind from the curse of sin and death..

One might say, “Well, we accent that aspect during the ‘Easter’ hulllabaloo.” Really? Good! However, I would like to suggest that Christmas is a great (undoubtedly the best) starting point for recognizing that “God so lloved the World that He GAVE His only Son, so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Want something to commemorate? Spend your holiday extolling, glorifying, eulogizing, revering, honoring, paying tribute to and lauding the Savior who comes in human flesh, “wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12

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