Thought For The Day

Tree Time

I love trees (note: only one L). I am surrounded by them down on the farm. I am actually in the “tree business” according to my agricultural exemption.” I keep planting new ones, culling the ones that are dead or dying, and wishing I had chosen an easier retirement (like spending my days counting my money [actually it only takes about 2 minutes] and deciding on my next adventure).

My bride likes for me to put up our artificial Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. It is a pretty thing with lots (I mean lots) of lights, and after she finishes it, lots (and I mean LOTS) of decorations. (I dislike using “lots” four times in the same sentence, but if I said “hundreds” you might not believe me.)

Christmas is a time when I think even more than normal about trees. My young pine trees don’t make very good Christmas trees, but I would have a bunch to sell if they did. A little extra income would help with the gifts for all the kids and grandkids, and other kids among the needy and deserving. I see trees decorated so beautifully it almost takes my breath away. One tree (I hope it is still there this year) not far from my “city house” is a monster hardwood with every limb covered in colored lights. Driving through “Santa Land” is a tree overload that has traffic backed up on I-20 for miles this time of year. A few years back my Bride and I were passing through New York City on our way home from Israel and stopped to see the iconic tree in Rockefeller Center. Now that is an amazing tree.

The tree that intrigues me most, however, is the tree that was waiting for the Messiah whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. I think most of us don’t focus on that during the gift-giving season, but the Truth is, I believe there was, even in the manger, the shadow of a cross, the tree on which our Savior purchased our redemption as Believers.

In the life that’s ruined and wasted

There’s a path; a narrow gate. 

God has paid a ransom

That will end our hurt and hate.

It was on a day in Springtime, Jesus claimed that hill to give

His perfect life for others, so that we, like Him, might live.

God so lloved He gave His own Son

So that each of us can find,

Life and Llove are in the Savior

When He rules our heart and mind.

In a grave they laid the Master

Who had conquered sin’s morose,

But the tomb had lost it’s power,

And with that victory, Christ arose. 

[Editor’s Note: “Christ Arose” lyrics & music, copyright, 2016, B. Weaver/ R. Copeland]

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