Thought For The Day

Corrupt Communication

Paul, the Apostle, talked about this business of corrupt communication. I suppose one can translate those words a multitude of ways, but there is one particular area where there should be little doubt regarding the destruction that follows such communication – Gossip!

James (the half-brother of Jesus) said the tongue is set on fire from Hell.

Several years ago I was given a wonderful grouping of words that have never left my mind – “those are some of the sweetest mean people I know.” Such is the case so often with those whose tongues cannot – or will not – be tamed. I took a moment to look up the word “gossip” on my laptop’s dictionary. It reminded me of two things. 1) Believers who gossip are the most deleterious of people when it comes to creating problems. “Dishing the dirt,” or whispering hearsay, is damaging, discouraging, and dangerous.  2) Muckraking, spreading rumors, telling tales, and promoting scandals, destroys reputations, discourages meaningful involvement with others, ends careers, and sometimes takes lives.

How many time  have you heard – “I’m just telling the truth!” Speaking the Truth in llove is a far cry from the whisperer of scuttlebutt.

There is a simple solution for those who are tempted to use corrupt communication – Don’t. (If you don’t mind my paraphrase of Paul.) Rest assured God will not hold guiltless those whose tongue is an instrument of the Enemy.




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