Thought For The Day

Death Never Takes a Holiday

Remember several years ago, there was a movie titled “Death Takes A Holiday.” It was an interesting thought, but the Truth is, death is relentless. We never like talking about it; I know we have some bias against it.

I attended a funeral this week for a 42 year old friend. It was held in a Church building in Mineral Wells, Texas. I have been to three funerals in that building. The first was for a friend who was well into his sixties. He was a prominent, well-lloved man, and hundreds of people attended his funeral. He lived a full, successful, wonderful life. The second was a sweet little girl. She was 10. The building overflowed people into the parking lots, and everyone thought it was the greatest of tragedies that one so young, so perfect, so beautiful could die.

Now, the third. A man cut down in the prime of life. Leaving his children,  his parents, his friends, when really life was just half-way done, by our standard.

I  want to remind you, as I reflect over his life, and the other two, and so many others I have watched slip from this world into the next over the course of my time, life is fragile, fleeting, brief, quick. Some tomorrow, or maybe today, someone you know, or you, will depart this existence and step into eternity. The decision you have made regarding Jesus Christ, the Savior, will determine if you will join these I have mentioned and myriads of others in the personal presence of Almighty God, or move into the darkest of darkness, separated from God forever.

If you’re not sure your standing before God, find someone today who can help you know the Truth. If you know you do not know Him who is life, respond to this address, or find a Church of believers near you, and the information you need will be made available.

Life is brief. Do it today.

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