Thought For The Day

Flying High

Now, for a little humor (I hope). I am amazed at how some folks choose to invest their leisure time. Parachuting is one of those sports that seems to me to be without sense at all. Ditto for those who “fly” the motor powered wings. But most of my incredibility thoughts are reserved for those brave, yet, in my opinion, foolhardy individuals who fly in “winged suits.” Perhaps you have seen video of them jumping off mountain tops and soaring through narrow canyons and such. Well, here is a new take.

Imagine this situation for a moment. You are a pilot preparing for landing. You’ve checked airspeed, alerted cabin and crew, and are all set to make your final descent when all of a sudden you see a guy flying right outside the cockpit window. However surreal, that’s what the pilots of one early summer flight have reported seeing high above the town of Macclesfield, in the United Kingdom; now tentatively dubbed by the public as the “Superman of Macclesfield.”According to the UK’s Daily Mail, the mystery man soared within 320 feet of the massive Airbus A320 on June 13; though at no point during visual contact did he ever appear on radar or deploy a parachute of any sort. (Yahoo News)

It was undoubtedly one of those “wing suit” guys.

I couldn’t help but think about the Rapture. Imagine being a pilot for American or United, Southwest or Delta – and not being one of the redeemed, of course – and as you approach your landing the Rapture begins. All of a sudden “those who remain” are being “caught up in the air” and suddenly you are surrounded by flying people. Some of your crew and passengers will be ascending while you are descending. (see 1 Thessalonians 4:13ff)

I suppose it is not humorous, really. My suggestion is that you find out how to be part of the “ascending” rather than the “descending” on that day. Contact a Truth teaching Church near you. They can help.

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