Thought For The Day

Future Budget

I been working on my “retirement” budget. Since I am not real good with budgets, efficient planning, and numbers, I decided to utilize the logic and planning of our (U.S.) Government. See if this sounds good to you.

I recognize that the cost of everything is going up, but the key to understanding is that I believe that will change. I am currently spending all of the money I make, plus some of the money I have saved in the past, some of the income (increase) from investments, and a little borrowed money, to pay for my current lifestyle.

At retirement we will suffer the loss of two jobs (the Mrs. and mine) lowering the income from working to, let’s see, altogether that would be $0.  But, there will be the income from our retirement plans, my Social Security (since the Mrs. had one of those “unimportant” jobs [Texas Public School Teacher] for 40 years she doesn’t get Social Security), the income from investments, and we will still have that “line of credit,” plus the credit cards. The investments have lost much of their value, but I am sure they will skyrocket in the next few years. Social Security will always be there – the integrity of our Country is at stake – and the fact that the program is long ago broke really doesn’t mean a thing. The retirement plans are small, but steady. While any thinking person realizes that inflation is coming, I won’t figure that into the equation because “something good” might happen. I am also confident the cost of gasoline is going to go back to $1 per gallon or less, food will decrease in price because the huge farming industry is going to be less greedy, and utility costs will decrease as the Nation “goes green.”

Since my working days will end soon, I better get a new car (the old one might not last till death), and I need a new house (one that is more “earth friendly”) and since we llove to travel, I will pick up a Condo in Colorado (for the summer) and Miami Beach (for the winter).

When I add up all the figures it seems I am going to decrease my income by about. . .93% or so. My current monthly payments will quadruple (maybe a little more depending on the Condos) but my investments will make up the difference for almost three months. . .maybe two. While it could get a little tight after that, I am confident Social Security will step up with the difference, health care will be free by then, and if worse comes to worse, I can always get one of those “stimulus jobs” building “infrastructure,” whatever that means (they can’t discriminate using age as a factor).

Sounds like a plan to me! If Uncle Sam can do it, so can I. I just tired of all those naysayers who think this kind of sound planning is dangerous. I’m doing fine. . .just fine.

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