Thought For The Day


Watching our Nation implode is difficult for many. Unfortunately there seem to be a majority who can’t or won’t see that action taking place. Perhaps it has more to do with age, education, understanding, and history rather than just seeing with undisciplined eyes.

Here are two examples – one might be considered minor (though I don’t think it is), and the other must be seen as a major violation of the “rule of law.”

Some time ago a Colorado cake maker refused to prepare a cake for a homosexual wedding ceremony. He was sued and the local Court ruled he must do so. He appealed and a higher Court agreed with the lower.  Here’s the rub –

This ruling underscores the piecemeal way gay rights have come to be recognized in the U.S. Gay marriage is currently illegal in Colorado, but now it’s also illegal to refuse to bake a cake for a gay marriage. (Yahoo News)

Conflicting laws are a problem. However, when  National leaders choose to ignore or purposefully violate the law,  we move significantly closer to implosion:

The White House agreed that actions were taken in spite of legal requirements and cited “unique and exigent circumstances” as justification. (Associated Press)

People tend toward disobedience. God has made plain that obedience is mandatory. There was a time when our Nation demanded obedience to law – “no man is above the law.”

God said it is the fool who moves outside or beyond Truth. With men it is societal devastation to move beyond the law.



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