Thought For The Day

It’s All Over – Or Is It

I discover almost on a daily basis there are fewer and fewer people who care what I think, or what I think I know. I suppose that is as it should be. As we grow older we do sometimes slip out of the mainstream of society. Frankly, I have tried to do that all of my life, and I am not planning to change. (For those of you who are upset by that, I’m sorry you feel the way you do.)

Same-sex marriage is one of those issues that, for me, predicts the future of this Nation, or the lack of a future for this Nation, the latter depending on the grace of God.

Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, said, “You have almost every avenue of elite power saying it’s inevitable, might as well give up the fight.” While he does not believe we should “give up” there is no doubt what he says fits the movement of the Nation.

In an Associated Press article there are two issues on which I would like to take a stand. If I stand with you, good. If I don’t, well, so be it. Consider the following:

The latest ruling, in Pennsylvania, was followed quickly by word from Republican Gov. Tom Corbett that he would not appeal and instead let the decision take effect. Corbett, who opposes gay and lesbian marriage, is facing a tough campaign for re-election this year. (Associated Press)

IF, again I say IF, indeed Gov. Corbett is failing to stand for what he believes is right because it would negatively affect his re-election, shame on him, and I would encourage his constituency to let him lose. We need only “good,” honest, just men and women in public office.

“Judges can read the tea leaves,” UCLA law professor Adam Winkler said. “They know where the Supreme Court is going. They know where society is going. Do they want their grandkids knowing they wrote an opinion stopping gay marriage?” (Associated Press)

I am not a judge, but I do know where the Supreme Court is going, and I do know where society is going. Do I want my grandkids (and everyone who knows me) to know I am unalterably opposed to same-sex marriage – and would stop it if I could – YES! Yes! Yes!

God’s people are not free to follow society. We owe allegiance to TRUTH.  I pray my grandkids know where I stand on every moral issue. I pray you do too.

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