Thought For The Day

It’s Him, Not Me

In an Associated Press story regarding his new book, Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes that some of his own words from the podium in the White House briefing room turned out to be “badly misguided.” He says his words were sincere at the time.

He is quick to criticize President George W. Bush, but evidently believes that while he is sincere, President Bush could not possibly be.

I hear a lot of commentary in the Church of Jesus Christ that takes the same position. “I am sincere in my desire to help “so and so” even though I must share with you these facts (even though I may be seriously wrong), regarding their misbehavior.”

Who knows the Truth in these incendiary government matters – other than the parties themselves – but Mr. McClellan is trying to sell books. In the Church we seem to be trying to promote ourselves at the expense of others.  

I’ve got an idea. If it doesn’t build up, encourage, strengthen, support, and demonstrate genuine llove, just shut up. Well, let me sincerely say, its’ not my idea exactly. That idea comes clearly from Ephesians 4:29. Now that’s a book you ought to buy and read.

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