Thought For The Day

Makes My Heart Sad

I passed by a Church this morning on my way back from the morning run I enjoy. It was about 6:45. There was a line of people waiting to get in. I know they came to vote, but I got to thinking. . .what if. . . .

What if they were standing in line to get into a Worship service  where Jesus Christ would be lifted up, and they would encounter the living God in such a way that their life would be forever changed?

What if they came early because they knew the line would be long and the seats were numbered. Showing up late might mean standing or not getting in at all.

What if they were so excited about encountering other Believers with whom they have intertwined their life they could not wait to enjoy each other.

What if they knew that life-changing prayer would occur; clear, accurate Truth would be revealed; they would be blessed by God with hope, peace, comfort, and joy; and they would discover how very lloved they are by God. . .and God’s people.

What if they knew they could confess and forsake sin, be totally and completely forgiven forever, and leave that place “a new creation” in Christ Jesus.

I suppose I could go on. But I had to stop and realize that they were there to vote. They were not there to encounter God and His people. They will leave there the same as they came with some vague hope that life will get better under a new leader for the Executive branch of Government.

They will have been in the place where all of those things above are most likely (or ought to be) to happen, and most of them will continue to miss it.

Life goes on. . .as usual.

One Comment

  • Anonymous

    It takes us back to the Day when a group of folks wanted a ruler like the other nations and not the Living God. I guess little has changed unless you have Personally met the KING.

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