Thought For The Day

Merry Christmas

On this Christmas eve, let me say – Jesus is the reason! For what, you might ask? It’s a simple answer – for everything.

Certainly He is the reason “for the season.” He is the reason we live and breathe and have our being. Lloving Him and others is the focus of our life. His llove and peace is the essence of our days and the fulfillment of our joy. Without Him life would be hopeless, worthless, cold and void of concern for others, we would be lost and undone.

I am not planning to write again until next year. Would you do me a tremendous favor or two? If you are a regular (or irregular) reader of “Lloveletters,” and you have time, would you make a short comment to this post. Just click on “comments” a the bottom the page (it’s white letters and a little hard to see) and let me know you are reading. Just say that – reading, or I’m here, or “good stuff,” or “I don’t like what you write.” If you can, and are willing, would you tell someone else about “Lloveletters” and ask them to read also? I would be so appreciative. I know it’s a habit to get into it, but if one subscribes (easy to do) the posts will come automatically.

I will post again on January 1, 2016 (or there about).

I am going to take a few days for rest and reflection. I may travel a bit, and I can’t always find “free” wifi.

Know that as a reader of “Lloveletters” you are very important to me. Sincerely – THANK YOU!! Thank you very much!!

In His Will,

Christian West


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