Thought For The Day


Do you every make mistakes? Silly question, right? The more correct question is, why do we make so many mistakes. There is a combination of answers, and to think that one might have all, or most, of the answers is a mistake.

One reason we make mistakes is that we simply do not take time to think. In a situation, or a circumstance, a decision is called for, and being a decision maker, we make a decision we have not previously thought about, or one about which we have not considered the collateral consequences.

Another common mistake generator is assuming that we know more about the factors surrounding our decision than we actually do. One may know a plethora of things, but no one knows enough to decide without considering some, if not all, angles.

Lastly, we make mistakes because we are tired, or cold, or hungry, or lost. Don’t! Mistakes cost, and not just financially. Mistakes hurt others. Mistakes damage relationships. Mistakes create an environment of mistrust. Mistakes, left to their own devices, lead to failure.

Maybe the old railroad sign is appropriate to our thinking here: Stop! Look! Listen!

Jesus made no mistakes. He always forgives those of us who do when we confess our sin (see 1 John 1:9). I am praying we shall all be more like Him.

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