Thought For The Day

Quoting Jesus

I have always wondered why someone would quote our Savior in an attempt to make a point that has no value once it moves outside the spiritual realm. Jesus of Nazareth seldom, if ever, talked much about temporal things. His focus was on the Kingdom of God. Almost everything is taken in the light of that Truth.

In a conversation this morning with another Government Department, President Obama, according to Associated Press, said the following:

We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand,” he said, invoking a Biblical reference to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. We must build our house upon a rock.

Perhaps the reported drew the wrong reference, but if he did not, what is the President alluding to? Surely he wasn’t taking about the rock solid principals on which our Founding Fathers established this Nation, because the Liberal mindset is 180% out of phase with those principles. He certainly wasn’t talking about the solid rock of Christ Jesus (which of course is exactly what Jesus was talking about) because our Government has done almost everything possible to remove God from the the Public Square, our Education system, our social landscape,  and even he (the President) recently told a World audience that we “no longer consider ourselves a Christian Nation.”

So what does he have in mind? Probably not much (which is becoming more and more noticeable) that will make a real difference in moving us back to a faith in, and a dependence on, the God who may not much longer favor us with His mercy.

I don’t mean to be unkind (or maybe I misunderstand myself), but I say to everyone, stop referencing the Truth if you don’t understand the Truth and are unwilling to apply that Truth to life.

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